
Redcliffe Sunrise

Sunday, July 31, 2011

We do more than just sell meat trays!

Here is Connie and Heidy doing way beyond their share than just selling raffle tickets for meat trays. They are on the street promoting the G&M up and coming event. Good work!!

Ashley Printers POW [Pride of WorkmanShip] award

Ashley printers is a local business on the peninsula that serves us all well.
Here owner Colin and Rotary Member, Heidy presenting Jamie with his POW award at our recent meeting.  Thanks again Sandy.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Kokoda Finishing team supported by the Club

Ripper finish for Ed and Lynn, two very active members of the club who have
completed the gruelling event.
If you want to get involved next time check it out here
If you want to see the team in action, select the RSL team at the following
web site : https://www.kokodachallenge.com/the-kokoda-challenge-teams
Great job for the youth in us!!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Jan Murphy - our new PHF

Welcome Jan to the fold of the "Paul Harris Fellow" for the community efforts "above self" that you have thrown yourself into. We are all the better for your efforts. Many thanks from one and all!!!

Kerrie Hayes CMC speaker 13 July 2011

Thanks to Kerrie for an informative view on preparing for the afterlife and how to prepare before with the related stories surrounding these experiences. At good take away message and further details can be found at www.celebrations-celebrant.com

Monday, July 11, 2011

Special Event coming your way soon

A special event is coming your way soon, and it is an opportunity dress up [Gangster and Moll Style] to enjoy the Fun and Glam with 20,000 fun money to gamble on Casino tables at a secret location.

Gambling with fun and adventure is being held at the Redcliffe RSL, Kokoda Room [1 st Floor] on the Saturday night, 22nd October 2011 at 7pm. Food, dancing and 20,000 fun money is provided with the entrance fee. This is a once only event on the Redcliffe Peninsula to raise funds for the Rotary Redcliffe Sunrise H2H pak and the Shelta Pak and is going to be night to remember.

We look forward to your participation and watch this space for more details.

Friday, July 01, 2011

Presidents Goals for the forthcoming year

¨    Gangster & Molls fundraiser in October -see business case and flyer etc sent out by Colin
¨    Moonlight dinner on beach- details to follow
¨    Database of network contacts to be established
¨    Email updates to be sent to them once every 2 months making them aware of what we've been doing
¨    Contacts Network to be linked to blog site